Thursday, June 20, 2013

ONLINE BIBLE STUDY: "Interrupted on the Way." MARK, CHAPTER 5, verses 11-34.

After Jesus had healed the daemon-possessed man in the land of the Gerasenes, he returned by boat to the more familiar Galilean side of the Sea of Galilee, where he was soon surrounded by a great crowd.  There a man named Jairus "repeatedly" begged Jesus to come to his house and "lay hands" on his desperately sick daughter, so that she might be made well and live.  Jairus was a "leader in the synagogue," and although the exact nature of Jairus' office is difficult to determine, it was evidently a position of some status.  As Jesus followed Jairus toward his house, large crowds followed Jesus and pressed upon him.  Mark's narrative indicates that Jesus' journey to Jairus' house was interrupted by a woman who had been hemorrhaging for twelve years, despite the efforts of many physicians.

According to Mark, the woman had "endured much," at the hands of the physicians, and had spent "all she had" on their unsuccessful efforts to cure her.  Have you known people who have spent almost everything they had on medical care?  It is easy to imagine the frustration and desperation that such efforts could have generated, especially where the treatments had failed to produce any benefit.

In the woman's case, the problems would have been compounded by the fact that chronic bleeding may have left her in a continuous condition of ritual impurity.  See Leviticus 12:1-8 and Leviticus 15:19-30.  Not only was the woman apparently "unclean," but everyone who touched her might also be considered unclean.  According to Leviticus 15:19, anyone who touches a woman during her "regular discharge" is also unclean "until evening."  Leviticus 15:25 indicates that "If a woman has a discharge of blood for many days, not at the time of her impurity, or if she has a discharge beyond the time of her impurity, all the days of the discharge she shall continue in uncleanness; as in the days of her impurity, she shall be unclean." 

This ritual uncleanness also presented a special problem for the woman who now hoped to be healed by Jesus.  She presumably knew that Jesus was on his way to "lay hands" on the daughter of Jairus, in order to heal the girl of her sickness.  Jesus might be able to heal the woman's bleeding condition on the way, but if he "laid hands" on the bleeding woman, he would make himself "unclean" until evening.  In that case, Jesus might not be able to attend to Jairus' daughter in time to save her.  On the other hand, if the woman did not reach out for Jesus' help now, she might never see him again.  Have you ever been in a situation in which the apparent solution of your own problem would apparently cause a problem for someone else?  In which an affirmative answer to your prayers meant a denial of someone else's prayer request?   How would you decide what to do or pray for?

 The unnamed woman in Mark's account evidently decided upon a plan that would attempt to obtain a cure without making Jesus "unclean."  She seems to have rationalized that if she touched only the fringe or hem of Jesus' garment, Jesus would not have consciously "touched her," and he would still remain ritually pure.  Perhaps that minimal, indirect contact would still be enough to provide her some relief from the bleeding condition.  Managing to touch the hem of his garment in the midst of a large and pressing crowd, though, would be difficult and perhaps even dangerous.  She would have hurry her way through the crowd (without angering people by touching them), and she would have to kneel down, reaching out toward his feet, probably from behind.  It would have been humiliating, and she could have been accidentally trampled in the process.  Have you ever known anyone who was willing to do something totally humiliating or dangerous, to gain some great reward? 

In the midst of the raucous crowd, Jesus surprised his followers by asking who had touched him.  Was he kidding?  There were whole masses of people touching him--why would he ask that?  He said he felt his power being used.  The woman came forward "in fear and trembling" and confessed her whole plan.  Had she been secretly trying to "take advantage" of Jesus' power?  Have you ever been caught out, in the midst of a secret plan, worried about how your efforts would be received?  Why did Jesus then address the woman as "daughter"? 

If Jesus knew she was there, why did he not simply turn and heal the woman?  Amazingly, the woman was already healed, apparently without Jesus' having to do anything.  According to Jesus, her faith had resulted in her healing.  Yet he had earlier indicated feeling "power" going forth from him.  Is faith alone ever enough to result in healing?  It is interesting to note that the word translated "healed" also means "saved" or "rescued" or "restored."  Is the story really more about a physical cure, or restoration to social and spiritual wholeness?  Or both? 

According to Mark, Chapter 5, verse 6, before Jesus could continue his journey to Jairus' house, messengers arrived to declare that Jairus' daughter had died.  How would the woman have felt, upon hearing this news?  How should we respond, when it appears that we have been recipients of some great blessing, while others still suffer loss and sorrow?

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