Tuesday, April 23, 2013

A New Online Bible Study! Starting with Mark, Chapter 1: "And immediately..."

This is the start of our new Bible Study Reading Club and Discussion Group! I'll suggest a Bible passage to read, and ask some questions, just to get the thought process going. I hope you will all read the passage and make comments. Offer ideas, questions, or memories that are triggered by the reading. Let's have a real conversation! To start, why don't we read Chapter 1 of the Gospel According to Mark? Mark is almost certainly the first of the gospel accounts to have been written, and it's the shortest. In Chapter 1, Mark just launches into a description of the ministry of John the baptizer. Why is there no account of the birth of Jesus? He just arrives as an adult from Nazareth, to be baptized by John. What does it mean for John to describe himself as "not worthy to untie the sandals" of the one who will follow him? Why should Jesus present himself for baptism? Why does Mark start so many sentences with the word "And" or the phrase "And immediately..."? What did Jesus mean in proclaiming that "The kingdom of God is at hand"?

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